Public Art


Public art projects

Collaborative public art projects are a unique and exciting way to unite communities and create something beautiful. These projects involve artists and community members working together to create a piece of art that reflects the values and identity of the community. 

Collaborative public art projects beautify public spaces and foster a sense of community and pride. Browse my website to learn more about collaborative public art projects I've been grateful to participate in. 


For a full list of public projects


Farmington, Utah

Mayor Jim Talbot Was Honored By His Family With This Monument At The Farmington Community Rec Center Baseball Field. Sculptors Heather Rison And Virgil Oertle Were The Artists Who Completed This Larger-Than-Life Monument In 2020.

Yorba Linda, California

Artist Ron Pekar Shared This Large High Relief Project With Three Other Artists In 2020 At The Nixon Library Garden. The Artists Participating In This Collaboration Were Heather Rison, Fanny Gomez, And Scott Robinson.